Cosmetic Acupuncture in Melbourne: Your face 10 years younger!

Photo of beautiful face skin

Cosmetic acupuncture can rejuvenate and influence the long term health of skin, rather than just the superficial signs of aging. This results in increased elasticity, firmness, reduced fine lines and a smoother complexion and overall texture.

Results are initially noticeable – however sessions and treatments are cumulative, meaning they build upon the momentum of each other every subsequent time.

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The Benefits You'll Get With Cosmetic Acupuncture

The reason it works so effectively is because Chinese Medicine treats and responds to the reasons the lines are in the face in the first place.

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When you look good, you feel good

Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture “facelift”, cosmetic rejuvenation, works on treating the constitution of each person. Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic therapy that treats the mind, emotion and body. Benefits of rejuvenation can include:


Calmer mind, clearer thinking and centered sense of well being, ability to make better decisions from thinking clearly.


Less bloating, better digestion, better metabolism, glowing skin, more collagen, clearer skin, more energy, quality sleep, balancing of hormones/healthier periods, no PMS.


Can help smoother transition of menopause, reduction of hot flushes, anxiety, depression.